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Welcome to my blog. Thank for being here!



I did it, not just ran a race, but kept a promise to myself.

I am very goal oriented but can be a total flake. If you have been following along on my Instagram, you might have noticed that I’ve been tracking my slogging (slow-jogging) progress I have made over the last 12+ weeks. I am not a runner, I spent most of my life in a pool swimming and playing college water polo for a Division I school, go Devils!  

Committing is not the problem, it’s the finish that I struggle with. I let distractions get the best of me, priorities change and belief in myself waiver. BUT, I did it. I kept the commitment to MYSELF, stayed focused, adjusted my schedule & took care of myself to get over that finish line. I had two goals for the Half Marathon, I achieved both, running the entire race & finishing in under 2:30. At times in the race I was slogging so slow that I think I could walk faster, but that didn’t stop me. I crossed the finish line at 2:28.28. 

I am proud of myself. 

Favorite Things Friday

Favorite Things Friday

Favorite Things Friday

Favorite Things Friday